SAJ Reloaded rocks with 1000 House Full shows in 3 days.

There is a great news for Mohanlal fasn assosciation and the fans.Latest Mohanlal movie Sagar Alias Jacky Reloaded sets some records in Kerala Box office.The main one is it record inital collection which breaks the record of 20-20.Another one is Saj reloaded has 1000 house full shows in the first 3 days.

According to the latest reports the film has an overall distributor share of about 2.33 crores all over kerala in just 11 days.Fans are celebrating the success of the movie.The movie opened with mixed response due to huge expectation but now the word of mouth is positive and going to become first Super hit of the year. Sagar Alias Jacky broken collection record of 20-20 and by this weekend all set to make profit from releasing centers.

Malayalam film industry celebrating a movie like this after a long time. Malayalam film industry had never witnessed such a rush in recent times. Most of the cities show movie in multiple centers and more than 4 shows.The credit all goes to the SAJ team and the Mohanlal Fans Assosciation.

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Tags:- Mohanlal,movies,mohanlal latest movies,latest mohanlal news,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded initial collection,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded box office reports,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded review,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded records,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded latest news,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded reports,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded photogallery,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded videos,Sagar Alias jacky Reloaded theatre responses.